Viticulture Grant Program Promoting Wine Grape Growing Within the Yucaipa Valley AVA
Grants will be awarded at the discretion of the YVWA Board of Directors (Board) using the approved criteria and available funds.
Grant distributions may be prorated based on the number of applications submitted and available funds.
Grants shall not exceed the limit established for mandatory reporting to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) but shall not be greater than $500.00.
Grants shall only apply to the costs of the vines.
The minimum spacing of the vineyard shall be six (6) feet for the rows and five (5) feet for plant spacing as recommended for commercial production.
The minimum vineyard size shall be no less than 250 vines.
The grant year shall be June 1 through May 31 (as an example, the “2023 grant year” shall be from June 1 2023, through May 31, 2024).
Grants will only be considered for vines planted within the “grant year”.
Grant requests shall be filed between October 1st and December 31st Approved grants will be awarded no later than January 31 annually.
YVWA members requesting a Viticulture Grant shall allow a site inspection by a Board-approved member to assure compliance with the approved guidelines prior to the Board acting on the grant application.
Only grant applications from active YVWA members will be accepted.
Grants will only be allowed within the Yucaipa Valley American Viticulture Area boundary.
Applicants applying for a grant subsequent to their first approved grant shall be considered for vines added to existing vineyards equal to or greater than the minimum number of vines for initial requests.