Choose the membership that best suits you, and help to build a strong wine industry in the Yucaipa Valley.


Associate Membership

+Get invited to the quarterly meet up with wine Alliance Board Members and community members

+Help shape the Wine Alliance with feedback to our board members about the organization

+Free or discounted access to classes and events such as the YVWA Annual Dinner

One Year Associate Membership to Wine Alliance

Join the Wine Alliance for an annual membership fee of $50, per person. One week before the end of your first year, we will send you a notification that your enrollment is running out and that it will need to be renewed. Feel free to buy multiple members for friends and family at one time!

Professional Memberships

+Reserved for grape growers and winemakers

+ 50% discounted access to the YVWA Annual Dinner

+Free or discounted access to classes and events

Industry Memberships

+Reserved for sectors of the business industry that work to support wine alliance and wine industry

+Attend the annual Wine Alliance Party

+Free or discounted access to classes and events such as the YVWA Annual Dinner

+ Promotion of businesses with Membership to the Wine Alliance


Do you have questions about our memberships? Feel Free to Reach out to our TEam!