Choose the membership that best suits you, and help to build a strong wine industry in the Yucaipa Valley.
Associate Membership
+Get invited to the quarterly meet up with wine Alliance Board Members and community members
+Help shape the Wine Alliance with feedback to our board members about the organization
+Free or discounted access to classes and events such as the YVWA Annual Dinner
Join the Wine Alliance for an annual membership fee of $50, per person. One week before the end of your first year, we will send you a notification that your enrollment is running out and that it will need to be renewed. Feel free to buy multiple members for friends and family at one time!
Professional Memberships
+Reserved for grape growers and winemakers
+ 50% discounted access to the YVWA Annual Dinner
+Free or discounted access to classes and events
Industry Memberships
+Reserved for sectors of the business industry that work to support wine alliance and wine industry
+Attend the annual Wine Alliance Party
+Free or discounted access to classes and events such as the YVWA Annual Dinner
+ Promotion of businesses with Membership to the Wine Alliance